About The Allan Holdsworth Information Center

From Allan Holdsworth Information Center
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The Allan Holdsworth Information Center/allanholdsworth.info is an independent fan site, created by a single fan in Norway, with a little help from some friends. It is not affiliated with Allan's estate in any way. It is also a non-profit endeavor: We do not profit in any way, shape or form from what is presented on this site. There is absolutely no paid for advertising, and any external commercial links are presented solely on the basis that they are of potential interest for Allan Holdsworth fans. We do not earn a single cent of commission, or receive any kind of kickback for anything presented here. The only exception is that a few record companies and authors have sent us free copies of upcoming releases on their own initiative, with no strings attached in terms of expectations of positive reviews.

The intention of this site is to contribute to anyone researching the subject of Allan Holdsworth. We try our best not to interfere with any commercial activity. The vast majority of the material presented here is not available in any commercial form anywhere else. We always strive to give a direct link to our sources.

We have created this site and used Allan's name with the full understanding of Allan's family. We strive to present accurate and well-sourced material on the subject matter, and always try to be respectful towards any of the people named here. However, we do not speak on Allan's behalf, and presenting any of the quotes here taken from published sources does not mean we condone them: They are simply Allan's (or sometimes someone else's) words as published at any given point in time. We also try our best to make it clear when we are writing editorially, although mistakes surely will be found here and there.

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact us on Facebook.


As of 2024, Allan's family has set up a company to take care of the legacy of his intellectual property, called "Allan Holdsworth LLC", with Manning Bartlett as general manager. At present, an official Facebook profile has been set up at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561174736102.

The following info has been extracted from that page:

Allan Holdsworth LLC
104 W Anapamu St Suite K Santa Barbera 93101 CA
email: manning@allanholdsworth.net

Any business related questions should be directed there.