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- An archival release of Allan playing live with Pat Smythe has been released: New Dawn: Live 1973.
- The website has undergone some updates and maintenance. The discography entries have been expanded, the interviews have summaries added, and the bibliography and filmography has been updated.
- Christy Coobatis has released the single The Dreamer, a 1980s recording featuring Allan.
- New domain - please update your bookmarks: will be closing down in Sep 2023.
- John Vullo has released the book Looking Glass, with the subtitle " A comprehensive study of Allan Holdsworth’s improvisational ideas, patterns, scales, charts & tunings", based on his five hour video on Allan.
- Brett Stine has released the book In The Mystery, with the subtitle “A Deconstruction of the Harmony, Melody, and Improvisation of Allan Holdsworth”.
- Y.O.U. (tribute album) is a 2023 album by 8 Italian guitarists who pay tribute to Allan.
- Above and Below: The Music of Allan Holdsworth is a tribute album where a variety of artists perform Allan's compositions.
- Proto-Cosmos (live album) is a live album by Holdsworth, Pasqua, Haslip, Wackerman. The album was released to streaming platforms on October 2022.
- John Vullo has released a five hour video called "A comprehensive study of Allan Holdsworths improvisational ideas, patterns, scales, charts & tunings".
- Manifesto Records are releasing "Jarasum International Jazz Festival 2014" on May 6, 2022.
- Repertoire Records has released a box set by Nucleus, featuring Allan on two discs: Live At The BBC (Nucleus album).
- The project "Allan's Legacy" has released the tribute project "The Nineteen Men Of Tain".
- Manifesto is releasing Leverkusen 2010 in November 2021.
- Manifesto is releasing Leverkusen '97 in March 2021.
- Moonjune are releasing a live album with Soft Works: Abracadabra In Osaka
- JMS are releasing a live recording from 1980 featuring Allan with Gordon Beck and Didier Lockwood: The Unique Concert
- John Vullo has rather quietly published his book Secrets: The Chords of Allan Holdsworth .
- The Jazz in Britain edition of "Devil Take The Hindmost" has sold out, and Ed Chang has published an ebook edition by himself. You can read more about it at Ed's Facebook page. More info here: Devil Take The Hindmost (2020 Book).
- Manifesto is releasing a combined CD/DVD package of Allan's concert in Frankfurt '86 on May 29 2020.
- Jazz in Britain is publishing a book on Allan's music, written by Ed Chang. In conjunction with the book, there will also be released an album of archival material called Warleigh Manor. Release dates TBA.
- Make sure you check out the Allan Holdsworth YouTube Playlists.
- Art Of Life has released an archival album by Peter Lemer, featuring Allan on one track: Jet Yellow
- Warsaw Summer Jazz Days '98 is being released June 14, 2019 on Manifesto: Order
- The widely bootlegged concert from Japan in 1984 has been released on Manifesto Records. Available on Amazon.
Welcome to the Allan Holdsworth Information Center.
The intention of this website is to present historical information on British guitarist Allan Holdsworth, by making available interviews, transcriptions and other material that is otherwise hard to find. This website is not affiliated with Allan Holdsworth's estate in any way, and is a private, non-profit endeavor. The admin of this site also runs the Allan Holdsworth Archives page on Facebook, please leave a message there if you would like to get in touch. We also recommend that you join The unReal Allan Holdsworth Facebook group for up to date information from knowledgeable people, but this site is not affiliated with the group. The official Facebook page is found at Allan Holdsworth Music, which is maintained by Manifesto Records, and again not affiliated with this site.
A huge thanks to all the wonderful people who have helped supply material. In particular, thanks to Olivier for collecting material from the year 2000 onwards, and to Ed for filling in a lot of gaps. We highly recommend that you check out Ed Chang's "chronological analysis and appreciation" at Thanks also to all the great folks at the unReal group, especially Nick for getting the group going, and to Manning for taking on the mantle. A huge thanks to Allan's musicians, friends and family members who have shared many a great memory. All of these efforts have been an inspiration in updating the old site, which is archived at [Dead link].
This site is a work in progress.
Allan Holdsworth discography
Here is what is probably the most comprehensive Allan Holdsworth discography. The discography is built chronologically on every official (but sometimes contested) release Allan has appeared on, excluding most compilations. Each album entry now has a track listing and performance details. Each entry contains quotes by Allan (and sometimes others) on the album, and there's a summary of these quotes that was generated in 2023 on the basis of the existing quotes. The discography thus aims to give a comprehensive overview of Allan's recordings, based as much on Allan's own opinion as possible.
Allan Holdsworth press coverage
Here's a collection of Allan Holdsworth articles, as well as a few related items, spanning Allan's career. The collection spans over one hundred interviews. In 2023, articles of some length have been given an introductory summary, produced by artificial intelligence. Foreign language articles are presented in the original language, as well as machine and sometimes human translations.
Allan Holdsworth filmography
Here's a draft for a Allan Holdsworth filmography.
Allan Holdsworth bibliography
Here's a draft for a Allan Holdsworth bibliography.
Academic theses
Here's a draft for a list of Allan Holdsworth academic theses.
Here's a list of musicians Allan has worked with, with links to brief stubs on their work with Allan.
Allan Holdsworth song titles
Here is a list of Allan Holdsworth song titles.
Here's a draft for some links to relevant Allan Holdsworth websites.
Allan's guitars
Here are categorized quotes on Allan's guitars.
Allan's amps
Allan's influences
Interview transcriptions
Here's a new project, where audio and video interviews found online are transcribed automatically.
Quotes on Allan
Here's a work in progress: Quotes by other artists on Allan